
28 Days Later… Did you achieve your goals?

CEO Shit

Yo, CEO Shit ain’t no joke. There ain’t no days off. You stay on your grind. However, February presents another kinda challenge! You are literally missing two or three days to get it in! Have no fear, though. We got you. There is a way to get it in, even when you don’t have the days that you would usually have! We are going to show you, in this blog, how to reach your goals in a short month.

4 steps you’ve got to take to make sure you achieve your goal in a short month!


Set Priorities

    First things first…

    You gotta set your priorities. You hafta identify your top goals for the month. Put a proverbial gun to your head, see which things are the things that GOTTA get done–1, 2, and 3–and those are the priority items for the next 28 days.

    Don’t get satisfied with just the goals, either. Set dates for your goals, too. Create milestones for your progress. You wanna be able to track your success over the period, so don’t leave those priority items open and timeless. Lock ’em in, and work toward those completions and dates.


      Map Out A Plan

        Next You (I believe that’s me)

        Ah-ite, so once you set the priorities for the short month; the next thing you gotta do is map out a plan. You formulate a structured path made up of the exact steps that you need to take; in order to accomplish each and every task on that list.

        That said, make sure those steps are ordered and structured, as we said. The workflow to accomplish your goals needs to be easy. Work hard, yeah–but work smart, too! And just as you set dates for your goals and tasks, set aside specified blocks of time that you are going to need–and take–to accomplish the steps.


          Get to Work

            And then, get to work.

            Making the plan is only part of the plan. If you don’t actually execute the plan, then it wasn’t much of a plan! Again, work smart! You do what you can–and you outsource the rest of that shit!

            Tell you what, though–when you outsource, do it for real! Delegate what needs to be delegated to your team, and make sure they understand the goals and the time periods for accomplishments! And, if they can’t do those things, find outside organizations that can–including within your time parameters.


              Be Intentional

                Last but not least

                Be intentional. These are your foci. These are your plans. Stick to ’em like your life depends on it! Stick to your time blocks, and do not take on ANY new projects! Focus like a laser on what you got! And don’t forget to make it easier on yourself (there’s that smart work again) by automating whatever is possible to automate.

                  If you stick to the plan–set your priorities, your goals, your time slots, your plan, and your steps, and your execution, all while delegating and automating anywhere you can without getting distracted by other stuff–February can be every bit as much about the bag as any other month of the year.

                   THAT’S how you do CEO shit. If you want to dive deeper into this topic join our CEO Shit Consultant, Precious S. Brown for CEO Shit Live (click the image below).